Thursday, October 20, 2011

What do you do when it seems like your dream has been crushed?

Our Bible Study Series right now is called the 6 Virtuous Positions of power which ultimately helps women to see how to position themselves in a place of power at times when it seems like they have gotten so far off track from their dreams or have fallen too far down to get up.

Many times when we face constant trials and tribulations, we just want to curl up in a corner and cry. Sometimes we want to turn to our drug of choice (i.e. food, drugs, shopping, bad relationships, etc.),in a mad attempt to numb the pain of loss and disappointment.
Then there are those times when life can issue out a blow that hits so hard that we actully wonder if God sees or cares about our pain and frustration, and if he'll send some saving grace.
The world is filled with people who really believe that God does not care about their pain. They are angry and bitter and stiffled by hopelessness or either driven by rebellion.
So what's the solution? How do we go from the sadness of loss, to some place wonderful? How does one survive the disappointment of realizing that you may never have the things in life that you have always wanted? Even more simply put, how do you go from feeling like roadkill on the highway of life to feeling like a virtuous and powerful woman?

Well as a Bible study teacher, I went straight to the word of God to locate stories which proved that there were other women who had successfully done it.
The story of Ruth came readily to my mind.
When you're looking for a story about a woman with dashed dreams in the Bible, how could you not remember Ruth?
Ruth was the young widow who not only lost her husband, but who also felt compelled to care for her elderly mother-in-law ( who was also a widow).

Now personally I believe that Ruth was blessed with the gift of compassion which compelled her to put her mother-in-law's needs before her own, but I also can't help but wonder if she was also motivated to stay with Naomi out of the dread of going back to her parents house in the town of Moab. Moab was a town originated by morally currupt people. (See Genesis 19) We can only imagine what life in that city must have been like.

Does anyone know what it's like to choose to stay in a 'not so great' situation only because it's better than another really bad situation? Well Ruth did.

So ultimately, Ruth chose to stay with her elderly mother-in-law, and not only that she also chose to submit herself to Naomi by saying, "I'll go where you go, I'll worship the God that you worship, your people will be my people, and I'll die where you die". She went on to add," may God punish me severely if I allow anthing but death to separate us. She made a vow to Naomi and she did it even though that decision would greatly decrease her chances of re-marrying.
I'm sutre that just like many young women of her day, Ruth had the dream of being a wife and giving birth to many children-preferably sons- who would carry on the name of their husbands.

Unfortunately after Ruth got half way to her dream, her husband of ten years died. She was left with no man, no provision, no children, and no idea how things would ever get back to normal.

Has your life ever gotten so far off track from what you planned that you had no idea how you'd ever have what you want? Well Ruth's did.

So the question here is....... what did she do about it?
Well for starters, she didn't try any of the following options that commonly tempt us all whenever life takes an unexpected turn and we fear it won't ever get back on track.

1.The whoa is me approach- This is where you cry a river, then set out to throw yourself the biggest pity party...EVER....Constantly. You take on The Useless Cry-baby identity.

2.The self destructive approach- This is where you choose to be out of control. You say, "Forget it, life sucks, and I don't care anymore!" After that you begin to make wreckless, irresponsible, and sometimes even insane choices. You go after whatever "feels good" and you justify your actions by telling yourself and others that you've been through a lot, so you deserve to do whatever Wild-n-Crazy thing you want. You take on the Selfish Menace identity.

3.The Life is not fair approach - This is where you become bitter and hopeless from the belief that everyone else is blessed except you and/or those like you. You then begin to severely resent the people who seem to have the things that you've always wanted. You take on the Hateful Hater identity.

4. The rebel approach- This is where you do something drastic like becoming a lesbian as an expression of your anger and in protest against your disappointment in the dynamics of life, love, relationships, and God. You take on the The rebel with a ridiculous cause identiy.

All of us, including Ruth has been faced with choosing anyone of these highly emotional options at times when we have felt the pain of failure, or the frustration of feeling like God won't help us solve our problems. The truth is none of these options has the ability to satisfy us and none of these options can lead us to a Virtuous position of power.

Again, Ruth had these same options available to her too, however, none of these were her choice. Not only did she not choose to do any of these things, but what she did choose to do was quite mind blowing if you ask me.
She chose to do something that required a special gift on her part. It's a gift that is hidden from many because it does not seem like a gift at all to some.
It was a gift that put her in a Virtuous Position of Power.

A Virtuous Position of Power is an identity that you assign to yourself that involves you taking action that ultimately empowers you to use your God given skills and talents to advance yourself in a way that is Godly in character.

For this Bible Study, I urge you to read her story if you have not already. Once you have read it share your thoughts on any of the following questions.

1. What was the Virtuous Position of Power that Ruth placed herself in and can you name 3 noticeable ways that it worked for her.

2. What if anything interesting did you notice about Naomi?

3. Is there anything in particular that stood out in the story that you found interesting or relatable?

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