Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Things you must do to discover your purpose

Knowing and fulfilling your purpose is a mandatory part of putting forth your truest expression and experiencing genuine happiness.
The reason why is because when God created you, He had something very specific in mind for you to do and he equipped you with the gifts and talents to make it happen. It's up to each of us to figure out what God had in mind for us, and do it. It's a wonderful journey of self-discovery and it's up to each individual to decide to take it. Below are three things that are imperative to discovering God's plan for your life.

1.Know your spiritual gift and practice it
- God has given us all spiritual Gifts. They are fascinating and amazing and they help us to understand and appreciate ourselves and others. It is important to learn what your gifts are and how they operate in the lives of Christians, and more specifically how your gift operates in your life. Once you do learn, you will see your strengths a lot more clearly. Your gifts should be practiced and perfected for use.The Bible says that in all your getting you should get understanding. Of all the many things you study and learn as a Christian, knowing your gift(s) is certainly crucial for fulfilling your purpose.

2. Listen to your heart- Your purpose is a huge part of who you are and what you stand for. Even before you know what it is you are already implementing it in some way or form. There are many situations in life where we take a strong stance or where we express a strong passion. Those strong feelings should not be ignored. When you learn the gifts of God and you determine which ones pertain to you, many of your passions and your opinions will make much more sense to you.

3. Stop comparing and competing with others- Galatians 6:4 says: Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.
In this world we live in it's hard to focus on your own life. Between the reality shows, magazines, and Facebook we are constantly being enticed to pay attention to how someone else is living. That creates a strong temptation to compare what you have to what they have; what you wear to what they wear; what you drive to what they drive; where you vacation to where they vacation. Before you know it your life becomes a competition to keep up with your friends and relatives as a opposed to a journey of learning and growing at a pace that is right for you. God does not want us to envy one another. Everyone has different challenges to face. Everyone has a different purpose to fulfill, and everyone needs to feel the freedom to do things in God's right timing. While it's good for us to inspire one another, it is not good to feel pressured to do things that are not right for you just because someone else is doing it.
Instead learn how to appreciate how far you've come in your life. Remember to always embrace yourself and your own journey even as you continue to grow and get better. Most of all, know that you are good enough. You are who God created you to be. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and not let anyone goad you into taking on burdens and responsibilities that you are either not prepared for, or that are simply not for you.
Remember that as Christians God tells us to come out from amoung them and be separate. He also says that we are in this world, but not of this world" That means don't let a non- Christian pop culture dictate how you live your life.

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