Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bible Study- The Poor Widow turned Entrepreneur- 2 Kings chapter 4

God has provided us with all of the answers to life within the Bible. Here is the beginning of a lesson about a woman who had very serious money problems and how she solved them with instruction from the prophet Elijah.

Bible Study -Ruth and Naomi Part 4- The Power of Godly Wisdom

In part 4, which is the conclusion of this amazing story, we see how Naomi turned out to be as great of an asset to to Ruth's life as Ruth had been to hers. We see how Ruth's humility, obedience, and diligent service paired flawlessly with Naomi's nurturing love and Godly wisdom.

Bible Study- Ruth and Naomi - Part 3-The benefits of Service and Diligence

In part 3 we see things improving so much that Naomi's spirits begin to lift and we see the Ruth beginning to receive an even greater reward for her diligent service.

Bible Study -Ruth and Naomi- Part 2- Comfort and Confirmation

In part 2 we talk more about Ruth's decision to put her own desires on the backburner and how God sends her comfort to help her see her commitment through.

Bible Study- Ruth and Naomi Part 1- How did I get here???

We kick off our 6 Virtuous Positions of Power Series by looking at how Ruth found great power by choosing to be of service to someone else.

Can you understand your Bible?

Personally I have a side by side Bible which allows me to read the King James version as well as the New Living Translation in parallel form.